Sunday, 24 February 2013

Market Rasen Plank Festival 2013

Just before half term I ventured north towards Market Rasen. I had been asked to do a school workshop as part of the month long arts festival in the town.

I worked with children from Year One to Year Six and all were very keen and enthusiastic. In the morning the children printed circle shapes with a range of lids. One very talented girl realised that she could mono print onto the lid before printing.

After a frantic drying session over lunch time the older children began to tie the layers together using buttons. There was something very satisfying about watching eleven year old's sorting through button boxes and picking out their favourites. All the children were so polite and really helped each other with things like needle threading. A great day was had by all. (Sorry I am not sure why blogger is insisting on having all the images at the end of the post)