Friday, 4 October 2013

A blue week.

A few weeks ago (where does the time go?) some lovely ladies spent a week at the studio working with woad. Woad is a plant whose leaves have been used to create a blue dye from Neolithic times.
We dipped.
And tied.
And hung things out to dry.
There was homework with fabrics and laces to rinse and wash .
The studio assistant was very bored as we were so busy.


  1. I went to an Indigo dyeing workshop and things looked very similar but would love to have a go with woad.

  2. These are lovely! I'd love to have a go with the woad dyeing if you're doing any more courses.

  3. I thought it said WOOD at first...woad huh? sounds very cool...looks nice all hanging to dry...thx for sharing...june


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